As we observe Long Covid Awareness Day, Bond Turner stands in support of healthcare workers who have contracted Long Covid during the course of their employment.
Bond Turner intends to investigate this claim as part of a group litigation against various NHS Trusts and any other health care provider including Government bodies who may have failed to sufficiently protect their workers from contracting COVID-19 during the course of their employment.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers have been unwavering in their dedication, care and support for their patients. However, a significant number now sadly grapple with the enduring effects of Long Covid contracted in the workplace, which impacts their physical and mental health, career and home life. Bond Turner’s involvement started after we were contacted by the campaign group Long Covid Doctors for Action.
“From our early conversations, it was clear that many have suffered life changing symptoms. Some have been left severely disabled, and for some, the consequences of the infection proved to be fatal. Some have lost their jobs and homes, and they are in financial ruin.”
Sara Stanger – Head of Clinical Negligence and Serious Injury Claims
Bond Turner is committed to supporting healthcare workers grappling with the long-term effects of workplace-contracted COVID-19. We aim to assist healthcare workers in their desire to return to their essential jobs by securing compensation and seeking to facilitate access to necessary treatment and rehabilitation.
The collaboration between Bond Turner and Long Covid Doctors for Action extends beyond seeking compensation. Bond Turner underscores its commitment to achieving justice for all affected healthcare workers, raising awareness of safety issues to improve levels of protection for all healthcare workers moving forward and supporting the call for Long Covid to be officially recognised as an industrial illness.
“The situation is unsustainable; 600,000 more people are on long term sick than in 2020, most of them due to the effects of COVID-19. There now needs to be legal recourse, not only to achieve justice for those workers injured but to help implement better protections going forward. We demand the right to breathe clean air and we are determined to fight for it.”
Dr Kelly Fearnley – ( LinkedIn profile )
On Long Covid Awareness Day, Bond Turner issues an urgent call to all healthcare workers who suspect they may have been affected to come forward and join the group action promptly. We stress the critical importance of timely claims, ensuring a thorough consideration and investigation process. By uniting healthcare workers in a collective effort, Bond Turner aims to amplify their voice, advocating for the rights and well-being of those who have selflessly served during the pandemic.
Bond Turner strongly endorses Long Covid Awareness Day and hopes the day will help highlight the ongoing challenges our healthcare heroes are enduring. Bond Turner encourages healthcare professionals to unite and join the group litigation action to achieve the rightful justice they deserve.
Join the Action:
Please only complete this form if you contracted COVID-19 at work whilst working as a healthcare professional.