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Uninsured Drivers

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Uninsured Drivers

Being in a car accident is bad enough.  But the panic and stress you experience can be made even worse if you discover the driver is uninsured or they flee the scene without leaving their details.  If this happens, the personal injury lawyers at Bond Turner will quickly dispel your fears.  You will find you can still put forward your claim for compensation.  What’s more, we will help and support you throughout the process.

When faced with a claim involving an uninsured or untraced driver, or a vehicle registered in a foreign country, many solicitor firms will refuse to take the matter on due to the difficult nature of the claims process.  However, our team believe justice should be available to every innocent victim of a road traffic accident, regardless of the status the third-party driver.

What is the Motor Insurers’ Bureau?

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau was established in 1946 to compensate the victims of negligent uninsured and untraced (hit and run) motorists.  Everyone who has an insurance policy pays around £30 annually to fund the scheme, which deals with claims for vehicle and property damage as well as injury. The Motor Insurers’ Bureau handles over 20,000 claims against uninsured and untraced motorists every year, and also works with government and police forces to eradicate the problem of uninsured drivers.

We have a specialist in-house department dealing solely with claims involving the Motor Insurers’ Bureau and foreign vehicle claims. The team is headed up by Simon Petty who has extensive insight into the Motor Insurers’ Bureau claims process, having specialised in motor vehicle personal injury claims for over 25 years and having previously worked for a claims handling agency dealing with claims on behalf of the Bureau.

Claims involving the Motor Insurers’ Bureau are subject to strict conditions and tight deadlines.  Therefore, it is imperative to seek expert advice at an early stage.  In our experience, claims against the Motor Insurers Bureau can be notoriously difficult and.  our job is to ensure that you get the best outcome possible.  Those for whom English is a second language can be particularly vulnerable to claims not being paid as it can be difficult to understand the rules and the prescribed forms that need to be submitted with a claim.  At Bond Turner, we have a team of 12 interpreters.  If they are not fluent in your particular language, we will find someone who is to ensure language is not a barrier to you receiving justice.

If you have been involved in a car accident with an uninsured or untraceable driver, let us take care of the matter for you, quickly and comprehensively, securing the compensation you need to move forward with your life.

To make an appointment with one of our SRA regulated solicitors regarding a motor vehicle accident, please call 0151 236 3737 or email info@bondturner.com.